Sunday, March 29, 2009

So, much work so little time

I guess this entry is just a rant. Being a college student is not an easy job. Trying to juggle a job, work, family, friends, and a fiance is not easy. It is hard sometimes to find a balance between them all. Money is also always an issue. I can only work so many hours while going to school. And on top of all of that I'm getting married next year so i have wedding plans to do. I guess even though it is a lot of hard work it is all worth it in the end. I'll have a job that i have always wanted, I'll be making good money, and I'll have a great supporting husband. So, anyone that says they don't want to waste their time going to college is crazy. It is one of the most full filling jobs.


So, i was reading a Historical Novel for one of my history classes and it was a great book. It was in normal language, had a non-educational tone. I learned a lot about the topic. I think this is a great tool to help teach history. I want to find more books that are novels for kids to read so that they don't have to read the dry history books that are boring and make them not want to learn.

Monday, February 2, 2009

History Majors

This entry is for all of those History Majors like me. Eventually I would like to teach at a university. As a college student I learn from what fellow students like and dislike. If and when I become a professor I hope that I remember how much I hated having a million pages to read for each class each night. I mean I love reading history books and learning new things, but sometimes it is just too much. If you only have one history class then having a bunch of pages to read is okay, but if you have three like I do an entire book can not be read in one week when you are reading other pages for your other classes. I guess it is a good thing to have to do this now, because when I become a professor I can look back and remember how i felt and not do the same to my students.

Test Making

So, as i was making my test i was thinking about how in a few years i will be having to make these things for real. I was also thinking about the tests that I have taken in the past. I understand that students need to know people, places, and dates when studying History, but sometimes teachers can go overboard with their tests. I always hated when they wanted exact dates and names for in-class essays. I can never remember all that. so, i decided that when i do my tests as long as the students know the general time period it is okay. I mean if they put that World War II was in the 1500's then they obviously have points deducted. Also i was thinking about the teachers that always used information from the captions under the pictures. Who reads them? He used to always take a vast majority from them and it annoyed everyone.