Monday, February 2, 2009

Test Making

So, as i was making my test i was thinking about how in a few years i will be having to make these things for real. I was also thinking about the tests that I have taken in the past. I understand that students need to know people, places, and dates when studying History, but sometimes teachers can go overboard with their tests. I always hated when they wanted exact dates and names for in-class essays. I can never remember all that. so, i decided that when i do my tests as long as the students know the general time period it is okay. I mean if they put that World War II was in the 1500's then they obviously have points deducted. Also i was thinking about the teachers that always used information from the captions under the pictures. Who reads them? He used to always take a vast majority from them and it annoyed everyone. 

1 comment:

  1. Kalyn,

    I agree that sometimes it is a bit much to ask students to know so many dates. However, I disagree with your comment about taking quotes from picture captions. I think that your teacher was trying to teach you to study the entire chapter. This is important for students. I was doing a project for our reading class (pro-sem) which is called Chapter Tours.
    Chapter Tours are supposed to help point different parts of the book out to the student that they normally pass over. For instance, picture captions, side boxes with information on specific people, etc. I don't think I understood the importance of students looking over each area of a chapter in a text book until after I read about Chapter Tours. Everything that is in a textbook has a purpose.
