Monday, February 2, 2009

History Majors

This entry is for all of those History Majors like me. Eventually I would like to teach at a university. As a college student I learn from what fellow students like and dislike. If and when I become a professor I hope that I remember how much I hated having a million pages to read for each class each night. I mean I love reading history books and learning new things, but sometimes it is just too much. If you only have one history class then having a bunch of pages to read is okay, but if you have three like I do an entire book can not be read in one week when you are reading other pages for your other classes. I guess it is a good thing to have to do this now, because when I become a professor I can look back and remember how i felt and not do the same to my students.

1 comment:

  1. Kayln,

    It will be interesting to see how you teach as a professor in the future. I'm sure you won't only remember how you felt as a student with so much reading in college, but you will also perhaps come to an understanding about what your professors who assigned so much reading felt like. I have the same goals as you, planning to eventually become a professor and have often wondered what kind of reading assignments I will/should assign for classes. It is very frustrating when you have to read 3 different books of 30 pages a night!
